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OmegaZero Fecha: Martes, 24 de Mayo 2011, 18:09 | Mensaje # 166
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Alguien podria decirme como hacer que los rayos cambien de direccion cuando toquen las paredes de los costados? Algo mas, necesito saber porque cuando hago ese ataque varias veces, cada vez hay menos projectiles.
;------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 3220] type = S physics = S movetype = A anim = 3100 sprpriority = 1 ctrl = 0 [State 800, 0] type = PowerAdd trigger1 = time = 2 value = -2000 [State 190, 0] type = VarSet trigger1 = time = 0 v = 11 value = 0 [State 5120, 4] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = time = 0 value = 3220,0 [State 190, 1] type = Explod trigger1 = time = 0 anim = 3410 sprpriority = 2 postype = p1 pos = 10,0 [State 1200,***] type = helper trigger1 = time = 10 trigger2 = time = 20 trigger3 = time = 30 trigger4 = time = 40 trigger5 = time = 50 trigger6 = time = 60 id = 3220 pos = 10,0 postype = p1 stateno = 3221 helpertype = normal ownpal = 1 [State 1200,***] type = helper trigger1 = time = 10 trigger2 = time = 20 trigger3 = time = 30 trigger4 = time = 40 trigger5 = time = 50 trigger6 = time = 60 id = 3220 pos = 10,0 postype = p1 stateno = 3222 helpertype = normal ownpal = 1 [State 190, 0] type = ChangeState trigger1 = Animtime = 0 value = 0 ctrl = 1 [Statedef 3221] type = A movetype = A anim = 3411 sprpriority = 2 ctrl = 0 [State 194, 0] type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = 1 flag = noshadow [State 190, 0] type = VelSet trigger1 = Anim = 3411 x = 0 y = -10 [State 190, 0] type = Hitdef trigger1 = 1 attr = A, SP givepower = 100,100 animtype = Hard damage = 100,35 hitflag = MA guardflag = MA pausetime = 1,10 sparkno = s70 guard.sparkno = s90 sparkxy = 40,-30 hitsound = s0,3 guardsound = s0,4 air.juggle = 1 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 4 ground.hittime = 2 ground.velocity = -3.0, -4 air.velocity = -3.3,-4 fall.yvelocity = 0 air.fall = 1 fall.recover =1 Palfx.time = 5 Palfx.add = 255,255,255 persistent = 0 ignorehitpause = 1 [State 190, 0] type = ChangeAnim trigger1 = Anim = 3411 trigger1 = Pos y < -155 value = 3412 [State 190, 0] type = VelSet trigger1 = Anim = 3412 x = 0 y = 0 [State 190, 0] type = ChangeAnim trigger1 = Anim = 3412 trigger1 = Animtime = 0 value = 3413 [State 190, 0] type = VelSet trigger1 = Anim = 3413 x = 10 y = 0 [State 190, 1] type = Explod trigger1 = Pos x > 140 trigger1 = NumExplod(3412) = 0 trigger1 = Anim = 3413 anim = 3414 sprpriority = 2 postype = p1 pos = 0,-65 vfacing = -1 ID = 3412 [State 1201,end] type = Destroyself trigger1 = Pos x > 140 trigger1 = Anim = 3413 [Statedef 3222] type = A movetype = A anim = 3411 sprpriority = 2 ctrl = 0 [State 194, 0] type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = 1 flag = noshadow [State 190, 0] type = VelSet trigger1 = Anim = 3411 x = 0 y = -10 [State 190, 0] type = Hitdef trigger1 = 1 attr = A, SP givepower = 100,100 animtype = Hard damage = 100,35 hitflag = MA guardflag = MA pausetime = 1,10 sparkno = s70 guard.sparkno = s90 sparkxy = 40,-30 hitsound = s0,3 guardsound = s0,4 air.juggle = 1 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 4 ground.hittime = 2 ground.velocity = -3.0, -4 air.velocity = -3.3,-4 fall.yvelocity = 0 air.fall = 1 fall.recover =1 Palfx.time = 5 Palfx.add = 255,255,255 persistent = 0 ignorehitpause = 1 [State 190, 0] type = ChangeAnim trigger1 = Anim = 3411 trigger1 = Pos y < -155 value = 3412 [State 190, 0] type = VelSet trigger1 = Anim = 3412 x = 0 y = 0 [State 190, 0] type = ChangeAnim trigger1 = Anim = 3412 trigger1 = Animtime = 0 value = 3413 [State 190, 0] type = VelSet trigger1 = Anim = 3413 x = -10 y = 0 [State 190, 1] type = Explod trigger1 = Pos x > 140 trigger1 = NumExplod(3412) = 0 trigger1 = Anim = 3413 anim = 3414 sprpriority = 2 postype = p1 pos = 0,-65 vfacing = -1 ID = 3412 [State 1201,end] type = Destroyself trigger1 = Pos x > 140 trigger1 = Anim = 3413 [Statedef 3223] type = A movetype = A anim = 3411 sprpriority = 2 ctrl = 0 [State 194, 0] type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = 1 flag = noshadow [State 190, 0] type = VelSet trigger1 = Anim = 3411 x = 0 y = 10 [State 190, 0] type = Hitdef trigger1 = 1 attr = A, SP givepower = 100,100 animtype = Hard damage = 100,35 hitflag = MA guardflag = MA pausetime = 1,10 sparkno = s70 guard.sparkno = s90 sparkxy = 40,-30 hitsound = s0,3 guardsound = s0,4 air.juggle = 1 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 4 ground.hittime = 2 ground.velocity = -3.0, -4 air.velocity = -3.3,-4 fall.yvelocity = 0 air.fall = 1 fall.recover =1 Palfx.time = 5 Palfx.add = 255,255,255 persistent = 0 ignorehitpause = 1 [State 190, 0] type = ChangeAnim trigger1 = Anim = 3411 trigger1 = Pos y < -155 value = 3412 [State 190, 0] type = VelSet trigger1 = Anim = 3412 x = 0 y = 0 [State 190, 0] type = ChangeAnim trigger1 = Anim = 3412 trigger1 = Animtime = 0 value = 3413 [State 190, 0] type = VelSet trigger1 = Anim = 3413 x = 10 y = 0 [State 190, 1] type = Explod trigger1 = Pos y > 140 trigger1 = NumExplod(3412) = 0 trigger1 = Anim = 3413 anim = 3414 sprpriority = 2 postype = p1 pos = 0,-65 vfacing = -1 ID = 3412 [State 1201,end] type = Destroyself trigger1 = Pos y > 140 trigger1 = Anim = 3413
Mi pagina, pasense si quieren: http://faraonmugen.webs.com/ ןןıɥ ıɥɔoɹo ʇıɥs ʎɯ ʞɔıן
mariotime Fecha: Martes, 24 de Mayo 2011, 19:03 | Mensaje # 167
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Quote (armando )
;dash attack [State -1, dash attack] type = ChangeState value = 4000 triggerall = command = "dash attack" trigger1 = (statetype = s) && ctrl
Ese es el comando del ataque, tal ves te confundiste y lo pusiste en el cns, no sé.
armando Fecha: Martes, 24 de Mayo 2011, 20:14 | Mensaje # 168
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no me funciona bueno olvidenlo necesito que alguien me explique mejor como hcaerlo ok?
mariotime Fecha: Martes, 24 de Mayo 2011, 20:41 | Mensaje # 169
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Este es el dash attack que usa mi char de Bowser: Debes poner esto en el CNS:
;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;/ Slam [Statedef 1100] anim = 1100 velset = 0,0 ctrl = 0 poweradd = 100 [State 1100, Dash] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 1101 ; ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;/ Slam - Dash [Statedef 1101] type = S movetype = A anim = 1101 velset = 9,0 [State 1101, PlaySnd] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 0 value = 1100,0 [State 1101, Explod] type = Explod trigger1 = Time = 0 anim = 1102 id = 1101 sprpriority = 3 ownpal = 1 [State 1101, PlayerPush] type = PlayerPush trigger1 = 1 value = 0 [State 1101, ScreenBound] type = ScreenBound trigger1 = 1 value = 0 movecamera = FrontEdgeDist > 0,1 [State 1101, HitDef] type = HitDef trigger1 = !MoveContact attr = S, NA guardflag = M hitflag = MAF animtype = Hard priority = 4, Hit damage = 50,0 pausetime = 0,1 sparkxy = -5,-10 hitsound = 5,2 guardsound = 6,0 air.type = Low ground.slidetime = 15 ground.hittime = 15 air.hittime = 15 ground.velocity = -4,-4 guard.velocity = -4 air.velocity = -4,-3 airguard.velocity = -4 ground.cornerpush.veloff = 0 fall = 1 [State 1101, EnvShake] type = EnvShake trigger1 = FrontEdgeDist <= 0 time = 20 ampl = -2 [State 1101, PlaySnd] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = FrontEdgeDist <= 0 value = 190,0 [State 1101, Jump Back] type = ChangeState trigger1 = FrontEdgeDist <= 0 value = 1102 [State 1101, ChangeState] type = ChangeState trigger1 = Time = 20 value = 0 ctrl = 1 ; ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;/ Slam - Jump Back [Statedef 1102] type = A physics = A anim = 46 velset = Const(velocity.jump.back.x),Const(velocity.jump.y) [State 1101, Null] type = Null trigger1 = 1 ;-------------------------------------------------
Esto en el CMD: Y hacer una animacion de cuando se prepara para atacar (numero 1100), y otra mientras ataca (numero 1101). Si lo haces al pie de la letra seguro funciona
Mensaje editado por mariotime - Martes, 24 de Mayo 2011, 20:41
OmegaZero Fecha: Martes, 24 de Mayo 2011, 20:47 | Mensaje # 170
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Pon esto en tu CNS para el ataque con dash: [Statedef X] type = S movetype= A physics = S juggle = 4 poweradd= 65 ctrl = 0 velset = 0,0 anim = X [State 220, 1] type = VelSet trigger1 = 1 x = const(velocity.run.fwd.x) [State 220] type = Afterimage trigger1 = animelem = 1 time = 100 length = 20 PalBright = 0,0,0 PalContrast = 225,255,255 PalAdd = 0,0,0 PalMul = 1,1,1 FrameGap = 4 Trans = add1 [State 220, 1] type = HitDef trigger1 = AnimElem = 2 || AnimElem = 3 || AnimElem = 4 attr = S, NA damage = 23, 0 animtype = Heavy guardflag = MA hitflag = MAF priority = 3, Hit pausetime = 8, 8 sparkno = 0 sparkxy = -10,-20;-10, -76 hitsound = SX, X guardsound = SX, X ground.type = High ground.slidetime = 5 ground.hittime = 12 ground.velocity = -4 airguard.velocity = -1.9,-.8 air.type = High air.velocity = -1.4,-3 air.hittime = 12 [State 220, PlaySnd] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = animelem = 1 value = SX,X volume = 0 channel = -1 freqmul = 1.0 loop = 0 pan = 0 [State 220, 5] type = ChangeState trigger1 = command != "hold_z" trigger2 = Time = 100 value = 101 ctrl = 1 y esto va en el cmd: [State -1, Stand Strong Punch] type = ChangeState value = X triggerall = command = "z" triggerall = command != "holddown" trigger1 = statetype = S trigger1 = ctrl Las "X" son para que los reemplazes por algun valor como 220 o 300 o cualquier numero Ahora ayudenme con mi problema
Mi pagina, pasense si quieren: http://faraonmugen.webs.com/ ןןıɥ ıɥɔoɹo ʇıɥs ʎɯ ʞɔıן
Mensaje editado por OmegaZero - Martes, 24 de Mayo 2011, 21:30
armando Fecha: Martes, 24 de Mayo 2011, 21:05 | Mensaje # 171
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se me traba el char con cada animacion que hace golpe salto etc pero si hace el dash pero no me gusta que se trabe %) bueno acabo de probar el de omegazero y me salie un buen de errores lo modifique y quedo asi porque como omega lo puso no lo quiere leer el mugen y asi si comando puse otro porque el stand strong punch lo tengo para otro atake y asi al hacer el atake se traba el char con la animaicon del dash que hagooooo¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
Mensaje editado por armando - Martes, 24 de Mayo 2011, 21:33
OmegaZero Fecha: Martes, 24 de Mayo 2011, 23:37 | Mensaje # 172
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Quote (armando )
[Statedef 4000] type = S movetype= A physics = S juggle = 4 poweradd= 65 ctrl = 0 velset = 0,0 anim = 4000 [State 4000, 1] type = VelSet trigger1 = 1 4000 = const(velocity.run.fwd.c) [State 4000, 5] type = ChangeState trigger1 = command != "hold_c" trigger2 = Time = 100 value = 101 ctrl = 1
[Statedef 4000] type = S movetype= A physics = S juggle = 4 poweradd= 65 ctrl = 0 velset = 0,0 anim = 4000 [State 220, 1] type = VelSet trigger1 = 1 x = const(velocity.run.fwd.x) <--- ESTO NO LO CAMBIES [State 220] type = Afterimage trigger1 = animelem = 1 time = 100 length = 20 PalBright = 0,0,0 PalContrast = 225,255,255 PalAdd = 0,0,0 PalMul = 1,1,1 FrameGap = 4 Trans = add1 [State 220, 1] type = HitDef trigger1 = AnimElem = 2 || AnimElem = 3 || AnimElem = 4 attr = S, NA damage = 23, 0 animtype = Heavy guardflag = MA hitflag = MAF priority = 3, Hit pausetime = 8, 8 sparkno = 0 sparkxy = -10,-20;-10, -76 hitsound = S0, 0 guardsound = S0, 0 ground.type = High ground.slidetime = 5 ground.hittime = 12 ground.velocity = -4 airguard.velocity = -1.9,-.8 air.type = High air.velocity = -1.4,-3 air.hittime = 12 [State 220, PlaySnd] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = animelem = 1 value = S0,0 volume = 0 channel = -1 freqmul = 1.0 loop = 0 pan = 0 [State 220, 5] type = ChangeState trigger1 = command != "hold_z" trigger2 = Time = 100 value = 101 ctrl = 1 ESTO VA EN EL CMD: [State -1, Stand Strong Punch] type = ChangeState value = 4000 triggerall = command = "z" triggerall = command != "holddown" trigger1 = statetype = S trigger1 = ctrl
Mi pagina, pasense si quieren: http://faraonmugen.webs.com/ ןןıɥ ıɥɔoɹo ʇıɥs ʎɯ ʞɔıן
Mensaje editado por OmegaZero - Martes, 24 de Mayo 2011, 23:42
armando Fecha: Miércoles, 25 de Mayo 2011, 16:28 | Mensaje # 173
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listo ya me funciono aqunque tuve que modificarlo de nuevo pero lo logre, cuano otra pregunta mas lamento muchisimoo no haber ayudado juro que cuando pueda hacerlo lo hare porque realmente me siento muy mal de que ustedes me ayuden y me den y yo no le haga ni de nada pero prometo ayudar cuando pueda si no ayudo es porque no se como ok? pero aki la pregunta al crear un char cuando pongo las animaciones me sale winmugen dejo de funcionar me pasa si cambio el tiempo,agregro un sprite,mapeo la imagen me aparece y ya no quiere seguir creandose el char por ese problema de animaciones pero como le hago y si intento quietando las animaciones volviondalas a poner pasa lo mismo y si le quieto algunas animaicones el char queda feo
Mensaje editado por armando - Miércoles, 25 de Mayo 2011, 21:43
OmegaZero Fecha: Jueves, 26 de Mayo 2011, 21:47 | Mensaje # 174
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Ya me las arregle con el codigo pero solo pude lograr que solo lanze rayos de un solo lado. Como hago para que los rayos salgan del otro lado? ;------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 3220] type = S physics = S movetype = A anim = 3100 sprpriority = 1 ctrl = 0 [State 800, 0] type = PowerAdd trigger1 = time = 2 value = -2000 [State 190, 0] type = VarSet trigger1 = time = 0 v = 11 value = 0 [State 5120, 4] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = time = 0 value = 3220,0 [State 190, 1] type = Explod trigger1 = time = 0 anim = 3410 sprpriority = 2 postype = p1 pos = 10,0 [State 1200,***] type = helper trigger1 = time = 10 id = 3220 pos = 10,0 postype = p1 stateno = 3221 helpertype = normal ownpal = 1 [State 1200,***] type = helper trigger1 = time = 20 id = 3220 pos = 10,0 postype = p1 stateno = 3221 helpertype = normal ownpal = 1 [State 1200,***] type = helper trigger1 = time = 30 id = 3220 pos = 10,0 postype = p1 stateno = 3221 helpertype = normal ownpal = 1 [State 1200,***] type = helper trigger1 = time = 40 id = 3220 pos = 10,0 postype = p1 stateno = 3221 helpertype = normal ownpal = 1 [State 1200,***] type = helper trigger1 = time = 50 id = 3220 pos = 10,0 postype = p1 stateno = 3221 helpertype = normal ownpal = 1 [State 1200,***] type = helper trigger1 = time = 60 id = 3220 pos = 10,0 postype = p1 stateno = 3221 helpertype = normal ownpal = 1 [State 190, 0] type = ChangeState trigger1 = Animtime = 0 value = 0 ctrl = 1 [Statedef 3221] type = A movetype = A anim = 3411 sprpriority = 2 ctrl = 0 [State 194, 0] type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = 1 flag = noshadow [State 190, 0] type = VelSet trigger1 = Anim = 3411 x = 0 y = -10 [State 190, 0] type = Hitdef trigger1 = 1 attr = A, SP givepower = 100,100 animtype = Hard damage = 100,35 hitflag = MA guardflag = MA pausetime = 1,10 sparkno = s70 guard.sparkno = s90 sparkxy = 40,-30 hitsound = s0,3 guardsound = s0,4 air.juggle = 1 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 4 ground.hittime = 2 ground.velocity = -3.0, -4 air.velocity = -3.3,-4 fall.yvelocity = 0 air.fall = 1 fall.recover =1 Palfx.time = 5 Palfx.add = 255,255,255 persistent = 0 ignorehitpause = 1 [State 190, 0] type = ChangeState trigger1 = Anim = 3411 trigger1 = Pos y < -155 value = 3222 [State 1201,end] type = Destroyself trigger1 = time = 30 [Statedef 3222] type = A movetype = A anim = 3412 sprpriority = 2 ctrl = 0 [State 194, 0] type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = 1 flag = noshadow [State 190, 0] type = VelSet trigger1 = Anim = 3412 x = 0 y = 0 [State 190, 0] type = ChangeAnim trigger1 = Anim = 3411 trigger1 = Pos x < -155 value = 3412 [State 190, 0] type = VelSet trigger1 = Anim = 3412 x = 0 y = 0 [State 190, 0] type = ChangeState trigger1 = Anim = 3412 trigger1 = Animtime = 0 value = 3223 [Statedef 3223] type = A movetype = A anim = 3413 sprpriority = 2 ctrl = 0 [State 1200,***] type = helper trigger1 = time = 0 id = 3223 pos = -90,0 postype = p1 stateno = 3224 helpertype = normal ownpal = 1 [State 1200,***] type = helper trigger1 = time = 10 id = 3223 pos = -90,0 postype = p1 stateno = 3224 helpertype = normal ownpal = 1 [State 1200,***] type = helper trigger1 = time = 18 id = 3223 pos = -90,0 postype = p1 stateno = 3224 helpertype = normal ownpal = 1 [State 194, 0] type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = 1 flag = noshadow [State 190, 0] type = VelSet trigger1 = Anim = 3413 x = 10 y = 0 [State 190, 0] type = Hitdef trigger1 = 1 attr = A, SP givepower = 100,100 animtype = Hard damage = 100,35 hitflag = MA guardflag = MA pausetime = 1,10 sparkno = s70 guard.sparkno = s90 sparkxy = 40,-30 hitsound = s0,3 guardsound = s0,4 air.juggle = 1 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 4 ground.hittime = 2 ground.velocity = -3.0, -4 air.velocity = -3.3,-4 fall.yvelocity = 0 air.fall = 1 fall.recover =1 Palfx.time = 5 Palfx.add = 255,255,255 persistent = 0 ignorehitpause = 1 [State 1201,end] type = Destroyself trigger1 = FrontEdgeBodyDist <= 0 trigger1 = Stateno = 3225 [State 190, 0] type = ChangeState trigger1 = Anim = 3413 trigger1 = FrontEdgeBodyDist <= 0 value = 3225 [Statedef 3224] type = A movetype = A anim = 3413 sprpriority = 2 ctrl = 0 [State 194, 0] type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = 1 flag = noshadow [State 190, 0] type = VelSet trigger1 = Anim = 3413 x = -10 y = 0 [State 190, 0] type = Hitdef trigger1 = 1 attr = A, SP givepower = 100,100 animtype = Hard damage = 100,35 hitflag = MA guardflag = MA pausetime = 1,10 sparkno = s70 guard.sparkno = s90 sparkxy = 40,-30 hitsound = s0,3 guardsound = s0,4 air.juggle = 1 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 4 ground.hittime = 2 ground.velocity = -3.0, -4 air.velocity = -3.3,-4 fall.yvelocity = 0 air.fall = 1 fall.recover =1 Palfx.time = 5 Palfx.add = 255,255,255 persistent = 0 ignorehitpause = 1 [State 1201,end] type = Destroyself trigger1 = BackEdgeBodyDist <= 0 trigger1 = Stateno = 3225 [State 190, 0] type = ChangeState trigger1 = Anim = 3413 trigger1 = BackEdgeBodyDist <= 0 value = 3225 [Statedef 3225] type = A movetype = A anim = 3412 sprpriority = 2 ctrl = 0 [State 194, 0] type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = 1 flag = noshadow [State 190, 0] type = VelSet trigger1 = Anim = 3412 x = 0 y = 0 [State 190, 0] type = ChangeState trigger1 = Anim = 3412 trigger1 = Animtime = 0 value = 3226 [Statedef 3226] type = A movetype = A anim = 3411 sprpriority = 2 ctrl = 0 [State 194, 0] type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = 1 flag = noshadow [State 190, 0] type = VelSet trigger1 = Anim = 3411 x = 0 y = 10 [State 190, 0] type = Hitdef trigger1 = 1 attr = A, SP givepower = 100,100 animtype = Hard damage = 100,35 hitflag = MA guardflag = MA pausetime = 1,10 sparkno = s70 guard.sparkno = s90 sparkxy = 40,-30 hitsound = s0,3 guardsound = s0,4 air.juggle = 1 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 4 ground.hittime = 2 ground.velocity = -3.0, -4 air.velocity = -3.3,-4 fall.yvelocity = 0 air.fall = 1 fall.recover =1 Palfx.time = 5 Palfx.add = 255,255,255 persistent = 0 ignorehitpause = 1 [State 1201,end] type = Destroyself trigger1 = time = 30 [State 190, 0] type = ChangeState trigger1 = Anim = 3411 trigger1 = Pos x < -5 value = 3227 [Statedef 3227] type = A movetype = A anim = 3412 sprpriority = 2 ctrl = 0 [State 194, 0] type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = 1 flag = noshadow [State 190, 0] type = VelSet trigger1 = Anim = 3412 x = 0 y = 0 [State 1201,end] type = Destroyself trigger1 = time = 30
Mi pagina, pasense si quieren: http://faraonmugen.webs.com/ ןןıɥ ıɥɔoɹo ʇıɥs ʎɯ ʞɔıן
armando Fecha: Jueves, 26 de Mayo 2011, 23:45 | Mensaje # 176
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ahora si puedo ayudar xd mira vete al cns del char y busca esto [Size] xscale = 1 ;Horizontal scaling factor. yscale = 1 ;Vertical scaling factor. ground.back = 15 ;Player width (back, ground) ground.front = 16 ;Player width (front, ground) air.back = 12 ;Player width (back, air) air.front = 12 ;Player width (front, air) height = 60 ;Height of player (for opponent to jump over) attack.dist = 160 ;Default attack distance proj.attack.dist = 90 ;Default attack distance for projectiles proj.doscale = 0 ;Set to 1 to scale projectiles too head.pos = -5, -90 ;Approximate position of head mid.pos = -5, -60 ;Approximate position of midsection shadowoffset = 0 ;Number of pixels to vertically offset the shadow draw.offset = 0,0 ;Player drawing offset in pixels (x, y) en donde dice: xscale = 1 yscale = 1 juega con esos valores de 1 y 1 cambialos hasta tener el tamaño que quieras salu2
Henryck_XMAN Fecha: Viernes, 27 de Mayo 2011, 00:01 | Mensaje # 177
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Haber si lo quiero como el scorpion que esta ahi como le hago
W.I.P: Mortal Kombat X Visiten mis Perfiles: http://www.youtube.com/user/Henryckify http://profile.imageshack.us/user/henryck_xman http://www.taringa.net/perfil/Henryck_XMAN
mariotime Fecha: Viernes, 27 de Mayo 2011, 13:30 | Mensaje # 178
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tenes que cambiar esto: xscale = 1 yscale = 1 por esto: xscale = 2 yscale = 2
Mensaje editado por mariotime - Viernes, 27 de Mayo 2011, 20:10
Henryck_XMAN Fecha: Viernes, 27 de Mayo 2011, 17:02 | Mensaje # 179
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Quote (mariotime )
tenes que cambiar esto: xscale = 1 yscale = 1 por esto: xscale = 1 yscale = 1
Como???? Añadido (28 Mayo 2011, 0:02 Am) --------------------------------------------- Bueno en esos lugares puse un en ambos y me salio asi Porfas diganme como lo arreglo
W.I.P: Mortal Kombat X Visiten mis Perfiles: http://www.youtube.com/user/Henryckify http://profile.imageshack.us/user/henryck_xman http://www.taringa.net/perfil/Henryck_XMAN
armando Fecha: Viernes, 27 de Mayo 2011, 17:53 | Mensaje # 180
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ponlo 0.96 o 0.60 para que queda mas chico o grande es que eso es como los numeros decimales